Commons Church

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Psalm 51

Curated by Justina Gendy
Bethel Music - You Have Won Me
Auston Stone Worship - How Deep The Father's Love For Us
Bethel Music - Jesus We Love You
Hillsong Worship - Beautiful Name

By Bobbi Salkeld
Hear this invitation to the Lord’s table – a place where we gather together. To remember, to commune, and to receive spiritual nourishment From the body of Jesus and the life of the Spirit

The invitation is this:
Come to this table, not because you must but because you may
Not because you are always strong, but because you are often weak
Come, because you love God a little and would like to love God more.
Come, because Jesus loves you and gave himself for you,
For all of us, and for the life of the world.

As you come forward you are invited to tear off a piece of bread or receive a gluten free cracker. You will hear words spoken over you to express that the body of Christ was broken so you could be made whole. Then, you will pull a grape from the vine and hear words spoken over you to express that you participate in the new covenant, where all creation is made new in Jesus’ blood poured out for you. You are welcome to respond “Amen” or “Thanks be to God” or you can simply smile and pray quietly.

Let’s pray together,
Jesus, on the night of your arrest you took bread, gave thanks and fed it to your disciples. This bread is a sacrament of your forgiveness and your kingdom. And then you lifted the cup, inviting your followers to drink of you the true wine that seals and makes our hearts glad. Loving God, as we eat we imagine the feast of your kingdom
And we give you thanks.  

Come and eat; this is your spiritual feast.

From Covenant Book of Worship
God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you, and voices to sing your praise. Fill us with your Spirit, that we may celebrate your glory and worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

By Bobbi Salkeld
Generous God, All we have comes from you - our friendships & relationships, our homes & communities, our jobs & passions, keep us from the belief that we are the masters of these gifts. Keep us thankful and participating in your life-giving ways in the world. You love us and share your divine life with us. May we do the same for the needs of others near and far.