Commons Church

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

John 1

Curated by James Sylvester
All Sons & Daughters - Almighty God
Hillsong Worship - What A Beautiful Name
Bryan & Katie Torwalt - Holy Spirit
Robin Mark - Jesus All For Jesus

Curated by Kevin & Alyssa Borst
Hillsong Worship - The Passion
Hillsong Worship - Cornerstone
Bethel Music - The Goodness of God
All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord

Google Play Music

Written by Yelena Pakhomova
Living God, the one who makes us, loves us, and sustains us,
as we come out of another busy week at work,
out of our struggles to be meaningful in our world,
out of all that competes for our attention,

we want to know you as the centre of our being.
We come with our faith and our doubts and we ask you to meet us, Lord,
and to hear the longings of our hearts, those we can put into words

and those we can only feel deep inside.

Loving God, we thank you that we are not alone and that we can carry each other’s burdens. Lord, we ask you now to bring your healing and peace 
to those who suffer from illness and physical pain, those who are wounded in soul and spirit, 

those who experience brokenness in relationships, and those who feel distant from you and unloved by you. 
We also pray for those who experienced loss or whose loved ones are in hospital or in care. May your Spirit comfort them and fill them with love and compassion. Lord Jesus, would you also give rest and assurance to those going through the times of transition, 
who are worried and do not know what the future might hold.

Gracious God, we give you thanks for all the blessings we share this day too, 
 for our families, friends, and the church, 
for the gift of new babies and new relationships. 
We thank you for strong bodies and minds, 

for the avenues to express ourselves, 
for the good work we get to do 
and for all the opportunities that encourage us to grow and become more like you. For many of us, Lord, September marks a fresh start, 
the beginning of new routines at school and work, with their joys and their stresses. 

And we ask you to be close to us and give us wisdom in how to embrace all the complexity of life and yet be present to you and others. We pray all these things in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.