
After a year and a half of tough decisions, this is the hardest one yet.

But after speaking with medical professionals this week, we have decided to suspend in-person services for the weekend as we evaluate our options for the fall.

Hospitalizations are at a record level, and ICU admissions have reached a crisis point in the province. This week the Calgary region was forced to suspend all non-emergency surgeries and introduce new restrictions for those in hospital.

Collectively we have to make adjustments to support our health care system and the people who care for us this way.

Now I understand, deeply and personally, how disappointing this is, particularly knowing that the risks posed are minimal for those of us who are fully vaccinated. There are no good choices here.

But together, we want to play some small part in ensuring that schools can stay open and hospitals can continue caring for our neighbours.

That said, it is still the fall, and we are still moving into our eighth season together as Commons Church.

And while Sunday won’t be what we had hoped, we still want to share the day with you. The service will be online live on your YouTube channel at 1030AM, and we’ll be sharing the Eucharist. So prepare your elements as we gather online.

But we are also inviting you and your family to come by the church anytime on Sunday, from 9AM to 1PM, to pick up a Journal. Our team will be outside to greet you, we’ll have an absolutely free food truck to treat you, and we’ll have something special for the kids to pick up as well.

We have missed you so much, and seeing faces again this summer was a blessing. As soon as ICU admissions are under control, we will be open and ready to welcome you back through our doors, but we want you to know that this community is a gift to our team, even online.

Grace and peace, and thank you for all your support of Commons and neighbour.

See you soon


In-Person Services Return Sept 26


Season 8 Launch! Sept 12, 2021