Our teams.

The Commons Team really begins and ends with our volunteers. It takes all kinds of people to make community happen. From the Sunday production, including sound and tech, to the coffee volunteers that make sure we’re all awake and caffeinated, to the people who volunteer to teach our kids and keep them safe, church is created live, every Sunday, by volunteers. If you're interested in volunteering we have a team for you.

Staff Team.

Yelena Pakhomova:
Community M.A, Th.M

Patricia Chan:
Kids Curriculum (PT)

Jeremy Duncan:
Lead Pastor M.A B/TS

Bobbi Salkeld:
Teaching M.Div

Scott Wall:
Formation M.A, Ph.D

Kevin Borst:
Worship Arts

Ashley Hill:
Commons Kids

Alexandra Chubachi:
Youth & Kids

Oliver Mathias:

Leadership team.

The congregation elects the Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting. Team members serve three year terms and can serve two consecutive terms on the board. 

The Board of Directors governs with an emphasis on (a) biblically-based integrity and truthfulness in all methods and practices, (b) visionary leadership rather than administrative detail, (c) clear distinction of Board and Lead Pastors roles, (d) collective rather than individual decisions, (e) future rather than past or present focus, and (f) pro-activity rather than reactivity.

Accordingly, the Board is accountable to Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church, and to Commons Church community. The Board recognizes the affirmations of the ECC.

Bobbi Salkeld:

Shahani Kariyawasam

Janice Hsu-Chan:

Jeremy Fehr:

Stuart McGibbon:

Michael Wing:
Financial Officer

Lael Campbell:

Jeremy Duncan:

Erik Lottermoser:

As the church Leadership Team, we are committed to fostering an open and healthy leadership culture. As such we are available to the community to provide support and to receive concerns. If you ever need to reach out to the board you can do so confidentially using the email leadteam@commonschurch.org