Storytime, Week 4: Jan. 28, 2024

Jesus Comforts His Friends

Passage: John 11:17-27 - Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus had passed away and had been in the tomb for four days by the time Jesus arrived to visit them. Martha came out to meet Jesus, but her sister Mary stayed inside. In her grief, Martha told Jesus that if he had been there, their brother wouldn’t have died, but that she believes that even now Jesus could save him. Jesus responded that Lazarus would rise again, and Martha thought that he was talking about the resurrection at the last day. Jesus replied that he is the resurrection and the life, and Martha professed her faith in him as the Messiah and Son of God.

Big Idea: Jesus Is With Us In Our Sadness

Follow Up Questions:

  • Preschool-Kindergarten

    • What was the Bible story that you learned about in class today?

    • What happened that made Jesus’ friends Mary and Martha really sad?

    • What did Jesus say and do to comfort them and make them feel better?

    • Has there ever been a time when you were sad and you needed someone to help you feel better? How does it feel to know that you can always talk to Jesus about anything you’re feeling and that he cares for you?

    • What are some ways that we can be a good friend to someone else who is going through a hard time?

  • Grades 1-3

    • What was the Bible story that you learned about in class today?

    • What were the names of Jesus’ friends in the story? What happened to them?

    • When Jesus arrived, what did Martha say to him? How did Jesus comfort her in her sadness?

    • Do you think that Jesus is someone we can turn to when we are going through difficult times? What are some ways that we can feel God’s comfort?

    • What do you think is the best thing we can do when we see someone else feeling sad or going through a tough time?

  • Grades 4-6

    • What was the Bible story that you learned about in class today?

    • What was the difficult situation that Jesus’ friends Mary and Martha were facing?

    • What did Martha say to Jesus when he arrived and what did you think about that? Do you think she was upset with Jesus for not being there sooner? Why or why not?

    • Has there ever been a time when you were upset with God? Do you think that God welcomes us to feel that way and even vent our frustration sometimes?

    • What do you think is the best way to be a friend to someone when they are sad or grieving?


Storytime, Week 5: Feb. 4, 2024


Storytime, Week 3: Jan. 21, 2024