Father's Day: June 18, 2017

Psalm 103

Curated by Justina Gendy
Hillsong Worship - Love To Great
Austin Stone Worship - How Deep The Father's Love For Us
Bethel Music - God I Look To You
Chris Tomlin - Good Good Father

By Scott Wall
God, Creator and Father from all eternity. Our lives proceed from you and we confess that we are your children. 

For fathers everywhere, who have given us their time and affection…for those who balance their work, relationships, and personal weakness with integrity ... we give you thanks.

For fathers who have adopted children, for those that have shaped lives without claim of family or kinship…For those who have taught us, guided us, and molded us…we give you thanks.

For new fathers, full of hope.  For long-time fathers, full of wisdom. 
For the fathers yet to be, and fathers soon to be. 
God, we give you thanks.

And with grateful hearts we pray…
For fathers who parent alone…God grant them strength and wisdom.
For fathers who struggle with temptation, darkness, or addiction. We ask, gracious God, be near.

For fathers who grieve their absent children, those who have lost a child…or those who long for a child…Gracious God, be their comfort. For those who grieve the loss of a father…who care for an ailing parent…and those who long for reconciliation or restoration with their father…God, bring them your lasting peace.

And finally, we remember fathers who helplessly watch their children suffer and die because of famine, drought, disaster and war. Oh great God…let your kingdom come, and may your mercy be great.

These things we pray in the name of Christ…God the Son…who reflects your goodness and teaches us to trust your fathering heart.

By Kevin Borst
God today we honor you our redeemer. Jesus, on Father’s Day We thank you for all those here who care and love so graciously. May the blessing they have been to so many be honored on this day. For we pray in the Spirit of the risen Christ.



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